The website is under construction. Technical work, error page. Construction site, machinery, builders, unfinished building, money, coins, gears. Vector illustration on background.

6 Best Practices When Building Your Website

No matter the size of your business (small, mid, or large) you have heard the terms search engine optimization and digital marketing. With the various platform, it makes everything much easier to get a website live in little to no time, and the cost may be inexpensive or high depending on the need. 

There are a few questions one must ask before designing and here they go: 

  1. What’s the age of my audience? 
  2. What do I want my online presence to say? 
  3. What features am I looking to have? 
  4. What makes me different from the competition? 
  5. What is my goal? 

In asking these questions your website color, design, and overall content will be confirmed. 

Let us get specific with the areas we don’t want to miss. 

Clearly Defined Goals  

When making goals, make smart realistic goals, meaning they are to be reachable, which helps you meet business goals. This is so as your website is a total representation of your business to the world.  

In starting a website we usually have the entire process in our heads and this can be a huge task, so, break it down to bitesize, look at areas in your business that you want to improve or the selling point of what you have to offer, and be SMART with it.  

  • Be Specific about goals: 
  • Ensure goals are measurable
  • Make them actionable/attainable
  • Must be realistic
  • Should be completed promptly: 

In launching a website, it may not be intended to attract a particular audience but in that launch, your website sets off the endless possibility.  

  • In most cases, sales increase from here where visitors can close deals and give your sales team an environment to monitor progress. 
  • You can have better interaction with prospective clients, lead generation, and drive better traffic hence your marketing make easier. 
  • Your online presence also will influence potential team members which means the chance of using your website for human resource purposes.   
  • Possible use is also in checking for customer satisfaction and improving if needs be, which makes it a great customer service portal. 

Ensure Website Is User Friendly 

You will rarely hear a user speaks of the great user experience in a website, but a website that has poor structure and a bad experience will be announced. Here is how to limit the chance of this ever happening to you.  

Easy To Navigate 

While it is important for an attractive website it is more so important that it is intuitive and easy to navigate. Your website should have clear concise directions all buttons should be clear and it is advised not to have more than three steps to complete your actions. 

Use words that are easy to read. At the same time, you want to write the content to your liking you are NOT the user just the owner or content personnel. We know it can be tempting to want to be different but it is always best to continue using simple words such as “Home”, “About” and “Contact”.  

Ensure your website is tailored to be easily navigated, this means your menu should be comprehensively descriptive to aid in the navigation process. Depending on your website and the product you may need limited links or a short menu listing.  

Responsive Design 

With a millennial generation, we are always on the move and we need our business to go wherever we go which means all pages visited are to be adaptable to the devices we use. Screen size and dimension vary which means your website should be tested on all as none responsive website usually leads to a bad reputation.  

It is tempting to do testing on the device the website was done by and once it has passed we publish, but, let us look at numbers. Over fifty percent (50%) of browsers use mobile devices to do so and this increases by ten percent (10%) annually. so for audiences over fifteen approximately ninety percent access emails via mobile smartphone. Having a responsive website also aids in search engine optimization (SEO) 

Small Starter 

Starting small does not mean limited information or content, instead, it means direct, descriptive, clean, or clear content. What do I mean?  

Have you ever noticed the many parts of your business you want to display? Or, the more you grow the magnitude of information you want to share? Well, your prospective audience is only there for the experience and yes, the product. Make it easy for them to find.  

Another thing is to establish a hierarchy, having a visual hierarchy of your website in the planning phase will allow you to design based on importance meaning putting the most important information first and the rest following in that order. In doing this you will note your headings (size and text style), page center (and information it holds), and the color contrast along with the theme. 

Optimizing Your Website for Search Engine  

While one of the many aims is to have a great website in whatever industry you are in but it is the least of your problem if people cannot find you. It is awesome to market, putting out paid ads but having your organic traffic is most important.  

Once the best practices of SEO are implemented on your website it aids in having you on the top rank page of your search engine, which boasts your accessibility and visibility to your potential audience. Here are a few pointers on some of the best SEO practices: 

  • Use targeted keywords, this should be done throughout your web pages. Search engines such as Google track websites based on users’ searches. 
  • Responsive design, the reward for responsive design is rankings on search engines.  
  • Make your URL simple, having short URLs makes it easier for users to read and are more trustworthy.   

Consistency Is Key 

You may ask, what consistency has to do with website development? It has a lot to do with everything, from branding to marketing and even colors.  

All of your pages that make your website should be consistent with the look and feel. In this your images, color, and as simple as the background can make a positive impact on your audience. Uniformity and consistency in the look and feel of your website do not mean all pages on your website should look the same, all pages do have their personal touch but, folds in the idea. 

Your website being consistent is also to be consistent with your company’s branding meaning adding company colors and logo is a must. Also, all templates should be customized to be consistent with the brand.  

Keep Your Visitors Motivated 

This may be hard to believe most times but, again I say, your visitors/audience enjoys the simple parts of the website. This means unnecessary parts that you are thinking of are not needed (i.e. the parts that share no functional purpose, just there for beautification). 

Earlier we spoke about the hierarchy of your website and consistency of color and text, this enhances the usability of the website hence motivating your users as their flow feels natural. This natural flow will aid in guiding the user to finish what was started which means a low bounce rate meaning optimization on varied search engines. This also means all call-to-action (CTA) must be clear and to the point.  


Now we have reached the end the aim was for you to acquire the needed tools and information to make your website more user-friendly and interactive. Always remember, never allow your user to second guess where they are when they land on your website.   

Management - Internet Marketing

Affiliate Marketing and Digital Advertising, Two Peas In A Pod

What is your target audience? What if you could reach them at any time and anywhere? How about making money at any time, even while sleeping? 

The online space provides the world’s endless possibilities of visibility which vastly increases marketing chances and sales as well.  

This advance in technology provides access to your brands and multiple ways of communicating with your customers (with us all being a customer we understand the importance of communication).  

Let’s have a small look at definitions, similarities, and differences. 


Affiliate Marketing  

This type of online marketing involves third-party personnel, where the retailer pays a stipend or commission to another for marketing their product. This brings additional traffic to the website of the retailer and the advertiser or marketer is paid upon customer purchase. 

Just in case you were wondering affiliate marketing is indeed considered to be digital marketing. 

Digital Advertising 

Wearing multiple hats such as website marketing, online marketing, and internet marketing just to name a few, digital advertising uses the world wide web as its playground, where marketing is done using various channels such as social media, websites, and other streaming sources. Just to name a few platforms they are: 

  • Website 
  • Instagram 
  • Facebook 
  • Twitter 
  • Text Marketing 
  • LinkedIn 


Both marketing styles do help with online visibility and can have a positive impact on conversion rates. Let’s talk benefits of either of these marketing strategies. 

Affiliate marketing benefits 

  • Helps when targeting specific customers 
  • Cost-effective 
  • Helps to increase brand awareness and visibility 
  • The marketer is paid based on conversion hence, making this performance-based 
  • Performance is visible per advertising  
  • Widen the audience through affiliates 

Digital advertising benefits 

  • Increase in brand awareness 
  • Ability to reach a wide market 
  • You define your audience  
  • Budget-friendly 
  • Time and cost-effective 


While affiliate marketing is one aspect of digital advertising, they definitely have differences.  

Affiliate MarketingDigital Advertising 
This is an arrangement between two parties where another person is paid by the advertiser.  This is a bit wider than affiliate marketing where once a user has a smart device interaction with customers is easy. 
The advertiser pays affiliates for sale conversions  All online mediums include display ads, social media, and customer interactions. 
The pre-determined commission is in for sale  Communication or marketing type also includes email marketing. 


By now we have seen that both affiliate marketing and digital advertising operate in the same space but with different agents and performers.  

They however have one common similarity and that is they both operate in the same space which is on digital platforms. 

Component of Affiliate Marketing 

We can rest assured that without these components of affiliate marketing it would not mean as much as it is in the current time. Here is a brief introduction to these components: 

  • Owner of product/merchant: As stated the merchant is the owner of the product or service that is for sale, can range from a individual to a company.  
  • The affiliates: Quick pointer; an affiliate can also be the product or service owner/merchant. The affiliate is the marketer/promoter and again can be a company or an individual. 

Always remember an affiliate is not paid per impression but per conversion meaning sale of product or service that is being marketed.  

  • The customer: In all marketing types the customers are the same, that end user that aid in the ranking of your site and more so uses the product the merchant offer.  

We all fall in this category, the customer. 

Component of Digital Advertising 

It is a fact that if either of these components is used on their own you will get impeccable results but, with the correct portion used online for your product, service, or company the outcome will be immeasurable.  

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): This is the foundation of all digital advertising/marketing. It has been said multiple times that search engine optimization is the baseline or foundation of all strategies to boost online awareness. 
  • Pay-per-click (PPC): In this you implement the strategy of staying relevant. This is to say that you maintain your online presence in search results while also your SEO ranking is being established with organic rankings in this traffic. 
  • Web design: When the conversation takes place most will think first of website and with the correct design strategy and added marketing component you will be able to generate adequate leads.  
  • Content marketing: Having quality content most of all educates your potential (or existing) customers about who you are and what you are about will increase leads and the end goal increase revenue. 
  • Email marketing: This type is more direct marketing, this means an audience was already discovered and target promotions are sent out to these groups of customers or potential customers.  
  • Social media marketing: With the multiple platforms that are available social media marketing holds its place as a key player in digital advertising. The modern day platforms also provides a paying options with varied conditions, some platforms are: 
  • Facebook 
  • Instagram 
  • Youtube 
  • TikTok 
  • Twitter 
  • Marketing/web analytics: This allows you or the personnel in charge to track your performance. In the results of these tracking are able to see all marketing trends and give g all you need to see what changes or adjustments are needed. This will ensure your relevance and ensure your continuous revenue.  


Let us review what was said in this article. 

Both styles of marketing uses the online space and whole aim is to enhance business and its revenue. Both works best with practicing good SEO and other operations using digital marketing styles. 

So, affiliate marketing strategy aims at revenue as the advertiser earns once the user or customer completes a conversion. While digital advertising uses all online avenues and correct portions of the components increasing organic traffic. Both styles contributes to brand awareness.

Hacker and Cyber criminals phishing stealing private personal data, user login, password, document, email and credit card. Phishing and fraud, online scam and steal. Hacker sitting at the desktop

5 Ways To Avoid Phishing

Modern-day “scamming” as we so casually call it has been plaguing us for some time and have peaked in 2020 since the onset of Covid-19. 

Have you ever wondered why or how your email, banking, or other private account gets tampered with? This article seeks to explain what it is, the possibility of how it is done, and how to avoid such in the future. 


According to Webster’s dictionary, phishing is the practice of tricking internet users (as through the use of deceptive email, text messages, or websites) into revealing personal or confidential information which can then be used illicitly. 

How Do You Recognize Phishing? 

It is usual for phishers (scammers) to contact and use trickery and in this, you will be tempted to hand over personal sensitive information (this includes but, is not limited to banking credentials, emails, and even social security numbers). These attacks are launched multiple times daily and in this, the success percentile is usually high.  

Examples of messages: 

In this listing, you will see a number of errors or simple messages that may be used in phishing. Some you may have seen multiple times others are not so commonly used. 

  • This may take place in login into a bank account, email, or otherwise. The error message may be, “We’ve seen some suspicious activity and ask that you change your account password/login credentials.” never attempt if you believe otherwise. 
  • Getting a coupon for something you’ve never entered (this in most cases may be prompted based on your browsing and sometimes gives you a notification with a link to click), became more popular during Covid-19. 
  • How many times have you gotten an email or text message that said you are eligible for government funding or gifts? 
  • For a claim, you need to confirm payment by entering your credit card information.  

These are only a limited amount of messages you may see. 

Types of Phishing: 

There are varied types of phishing, however, we are going to make mention only four (4): 

  • Spear Phishing: done through sent emails 
  • Whaling: this type of attack is aimed at higher profile targets 
  • Smishing: this usually gets done through SMS or text messages 
  • Vishing: attack via voice calls better known as scamming via calls 

Ways To Avoid Phishing: 

1. Get antiviral software: 

 Why get this you may ask? In getting such software it aids in protecting you from possible viruses or spyware that can be downloaded from any virus that may be planted. Antivirus may be defined as application software that protects your devices from any possible viral attacks.  

The antiviral software when installed can start the scan and rid your PC of the possible virus at the point of installation. There are other benefits to installing hence the reason most retailers sell computers with a trial period of the software.  

Use of antivirus software 

Some use of antiviral software are: 

  1. Identifying spyware  
  2. Find and delete viruses 
  3. Viral prevention
  4. Scan for viruses and malware 

2. Website Security Verification: 

It is almost impossible to not share personal sensitive information online currently, this is so as most business places go e-commerce on their businesses. It is also natural if you must say that one can be a bit taken back from providing such sensitive information on any website as your information can be captured.  

Being skeptical to submit your information online is quite understandable but, there are things that you can look out for to be on the safe side. Some of the items to look out for are: 

  • Ensure “HTTPS” begins your URL 
  • Look out for the closed lock icon near the address bar 
  • Check site security certificate also known as secure socket layer (SSL) 
  • Never open files/ download files from emails that you are not aware of or have done business with. 

3. Use Firewalls: 

Why use a firewall? Using a firewall serves the ultimate purpose of shield for you and your computer from malicious attacks and even unwanted visits from the outside world.  

Types of firewalls: 

  • Desktop firewall: these are usually software types firewall 
  • Network firewall: this is a hardware-type firewall 
  • Cloud or hosted firewalls 

If these firewall types are used together, they then of malicious attacks on your systems.  

4. Avoid Handing Out Personal Information: 

This is to be the first rule in the book. Sharing personal sensitive information (PSI) in modern times is somewhat unavoidable, however, this should be closely monitored, if you have never done business with the company or website avoid sharing. As was stated earlier PSI includes but, is not limited to social security number (SSN), full name and identification (ID) number, debit or credit card information, and the list goes on.  

In the event you are doubtful of the website that asks for this personal information, one of the best thing to do if the checks recommended in pointer two (2) fails, do adequate research on the company in general. In some cases, you will need to go through their social media pages and even contact information (leave no stone unturned).  

As for phishing via email for PSI, selecting a link from the email or file download aims to capture. Links will take you to a page to enter this information and the files usually attach malicious ware to your PC or device. 

5. Online Accounts Check: 

It is recommended to check online accounts on a regular basis, in avoid visits to online accounts which could hack and taken over by other users. The use of your account is then at the liberty of such users and malicious users’ acts are limitless.  

For financial institutions, you will find them getting into the habit of prompting you to change passwords ever so often and if the user name is used rather than generated there will also be a prompt to update that as well. These are great practices to adopt for other online accounts that need to be protected based on the content that it holds or the purpose of the account. 


Always remember to practice proper security to your online presence in doing so you will in turn naturally protect your sensitive information while being online. Also, a lack of protection can lead to full-on identity theft.  

The Importance of Ad Verification

Have you ever wondered if the ads you see online are legitimate or if they’re just another scam? With the rise of digital advertising, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure that the ads we see are authentic and trustworthy.

Digital advertising has revolutionized the way businesses reach their target audience, however, it comes with challenges and risks, such as ad fraud, that costs companies billions of dollars every year. This is where ad verification comes in.

Ad verification in digital advertising has become vital for preventing fraud and confirming that ads are displayed in brand-safe environments. Discover the advantages of ad verification and how using an advanced verification solution can improve ROI while safeguarding your business.

What is Ad Verification?

Ad verification is the process of ensuring that a digital ad has been served in an accurate, secure, and cost-efficient manner. It’s used to shield advertisers from fraud, false reporting, account hijacking, low-quality sites, bots (programs designed to replicate user behavior), as well as inappropriate content and location targeting.

Advanced ad verification solutions help assess whether ads have been correctly placed on high-quality sites as per a brand’s preferences. They also can give insight into the performance of campaigns in terms of frequency capping and TTL (time to live) to help control costs.

By verifying ad placements, brands can confidently run digital advertising campaigns and protect copyrighted content without worrying about wasted budgets or placement errors.

How Ad Verification Works

Ad verification works by deploying tags, or beacons, alongside ads to analyze the publisher’s page to make sure that all of the designated attributes for a served ad match the campaign criteria specified.

For example, Adretreaver’s auditing tool automatically reports back information like screen captures and placement performance data to the advertiser. From there, the advertiser validates whether or not their campaigns have been properly deployed.

Having a third-party ad verification helps create security and trust for both advertisers and publishers. It verifies placed ads are accurately matched to the advertiser’s campaigns and prevents suspicious ads from appearing on the publisher’s website.

Why Ad Verification in Digital Advertising is Important

Delivering the right ads to the right people, in the right places, at the right times is key for successful digital advertising. Without ad verification, however, it’s impossible to know for sure if that’s really happening. Here are the top reasons why you should verify ad placements:

Ad Fraud Prevention

Ad fraud occurs when fraudulent activities are carried out to manipulate ad metrics or generate fake clicks or impressions. Ad verification tools help identify and prevent fraud by detecting invalid traffic, bots, and other fraudulent activities.

Ad verification tools can also monitor ad placement to ensure that ads are displayed on legitimate websites and prevent ads from being shown on fake or malicious sites. Plus, they can confirm whether an ad was successfully shown to the desired audience.

Brand Safety

Another crucial aspect of digital advertising is brand safety. Ad verification tools can help guarantee that ads are displayed in a brand-safe environment. They can monitor ad placement and identify websites with inappropriate or harmful content. This helps prevent ads from being displayed on websites that could harm the brand’s reputation.

Campaign Optimization

Ad verification can help optimize campaigns by providing real-time feedback on ad performance. Seamlessly track metrics, such as viewability, engagement, and conversion rates, and gain valuable insights that can be used to optimize campaigns. Rather than flying blind, you can ensure campaigns are performing at their best and generating maximum ROI.

Compliance Management

Bolster your compliance strategy with ad verification technology. Audit tools can monitor ad placement and confirm that ads are displayed in compliance with industry standards and regulations, which helps protect your brand from legal or regulatory issues.

Ensure Accuracy and Authenticity in Your Digital Advertising

Ad verification in digital advertising offers a wide range of benefits, from advertisers and publishers to consumers. It helps prevent ad fraud, strengthen brand safety, and improve compliance with industry standards and regulations. 

Furthermore, ad verification tools can provide valuable insights that can be used to optimize campaigns and generate maximum ROI. As digital advertising continues to grow, verifying ad placements is critical for ensuring that brands get the most out of their advertising efforts.